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Monday, September 10, 2012

Blog Post 2- Research Based Guidelines

Research Based Guidelines for E-learning includes the ability to get information across to an audience in a complete way, while creating opportunities for activity and critical thinking to occur with learning. Some of the research based guidelines I included in this e-learning storyboard include

  • usability
  • structure of presentation
  • clear, visible headings
  • limited clutter on page
  • practice opportunities
  • concise instructions accompanying activities
  • proper use of white space
As the learner becomes increasingly familiar with storyboard activities and lessons, it will be apparent whether the information is presented in an appropriate way. The techniques applied to this storyboard enhances the learner's experience because the presentation is neat, laid out by importance, reviewed, practiced, and re-taught by the learner to acknowledge complete understanding of the material presented. Without these research based guidelines in effect, learners could potentially key into non-essential information and become confused by formatting or structural issues. Using proven e-learning strategies and principles, the learner will navigate and retain the knowledge with success.

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