Capacity Building is that "always hoped for never quite attained" dream at our school. There are honest attempts at relationship building, encouragement, resource gifting and encouragement of creativity. There are honest attempts at creativity even at the expense of academics, but not through the utilization of distributive leadership.
I see capacity building in every other facet of approach in our school, but there is no such thing as distributive leadership there.
Unless, of course, you consider the "buddy-buddy" administration group a form of distributive leadership.
This approach could absolutely benefit our school site. With a ready supply of resources, a teacher assigned specifically for the benefit of raising morale through teacher recognition and fun events, and an open approach to creative lesson planning and teacher-led classrooms, distributive leadership could take our school to the next level. However, we have a very strict and specific chain of command.
If the teachers were given more power to meet and brainstorm, lead decisions through team effort and effectively create change based on group decisions, the school would run more like a school rather than a daycare.
As it is, teachers are not given the benefit of the doubt with regard to major decisions on approach. This may be because of the major lack of education, but if they are not given the opportunity, they will never rise to the occasion. For now, we are simply bonding...
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